Why Is It Important for Every Business To Have a Presence on Social Media?

This blog post is a guest post written by Lauren Jacinto from Scarlett Sunrise Marketing.

Lauren Jacinto is a California-based social media marketer and the Founder of Scarlett Sunrise Marketing, a digital marketing studio for California-based businesses.

Not only is she a veteran and a dedicated mother, she’s also a creative powerhouse who loves exploring new strategies to help business owners stand out online. When she’s not supporting her clients or searching for the latest social media trend, you can find her dreaming about traveling the world with her husband and daughter.

To connect with Lauren, follow Scarlett Sunrise on Instagram here, or head to her website here.


Almost every age is present on social media. This makes social media extremely unique and unlike any other form of marketing/advertising. If you took a poll you would find that every person is utilizing social media for different reasons. Many come to be educated while others use it to connect with family and friends. Many also use it to find locations and products in their local area.

What’s a new restaurant in my area? Where can I buy a bohemian-style rug for my house? I want to see real people using that product, what’s their Instagram handle?

These are all valid questions that are asked every day and start the first step in the search for a business online. No longer is a website enough. You simply aren’t going to reach the number of people you possibly could if you rely on your website alone.

Speaking of websites, social media is a great way to create funnels leading back to your website. We all know that websites show up more places online when they are visited often and through different sources. If you are capturing audiences from Google searches, links in your Instagram bio, a Facebook Ad, or Pinterest posts you are driving more traffic and making your website look highly sought out. All of which is great for the marketing of your business.

If a potential client or customer tries to look you up on Instagram or Facebook and aren’t able to find you, they are likely to do two things. First, they’re going to assume you either don’t exist or you’ve closed (because everyone is on social media, right?) then they are going to move on to search for someone similar thus giving business to your competition--the competition that sees the importance of social media and has made a presence online.

If social media isn't your strong suit but you see its importance and are ready to claim your space you have a few options. If your business is established then you should research a social media manager that aligns with your brand.

If you're just starting and have a total of zero time to spend on social media because you’re being pulled in a million different directions then at the very least set up an account either on Facebook or Instagram with basic information. You’re claiming your name before someone else can and now you are showing up on searches. You’ll have time in the future to be able to come back to this and make a more notable presence.

If you’re searching for tips and tricks on how to improve your SEO and tie everything together, look no further. Sequoia’s website and social media sites foster a wealth of knowledge and her calendar is open to sit down and chat about your needs.


To learn more about Lauren and Scarlett Sunrise Marketing, find her on Instagram @scarlettsunrisemarketing or visit her website www.scarlettsunrise.com.


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